One of the most powerful and beautiful things about genuine Christianity is that the foot of the cross of Christ is level ground. Regardless of who we are, our past, or our future, we all come to Jesus with the same problem: sin. None of us meet God’s standards (Romans 3:23). Human nature often wants to compare and judge sin levels by what’s socially acceptable and what’s not. But in God’s eyes, sin is sin—seen and unseen.
The beauty is that the cross of Christ welcomes everyone, whether we find ourselves on the mountaintop or in a deep valley, on an easy street, or a road filled with potholes. No limitations. No restrictions. Regardless of our heritage or nationality, young or old, culture or color, God offers His grace through Christ as a gift to us all, but we have to choose to receive it by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 11:6). Ignoring sin or the gift doesn’t make it go away. Indecision is still a choice. Delaying a decision still says ‘no’ to God’s offer of grace (undeserved favor) right now.
We all have the same invitation to come to Jesus!
He knocks on the doors of our hearts, offering a gift we don’t deserve and yet desperately need—His love. Whether dressed in prison stripes or a three-piece suit and regardless of our material wealth or status, the Angels in Heaven rejoice when one person turns to Jesus for hope and salvation (Luke 15:10). God doesn’t want anyone to live for eternity outside of Heaven (2 Peter 3:9), but getting in on our own merits is impossible.
So, how do we get in? We need help.
God doesn’t pick and choose his favorites. He is not a respecter of any one man. What he offers, he offers to all—forgiveness for our yesterday, strength for our today, and hope for our tomorrow (Acts 10:34-34 MSG).God doesn’t grade our sins on a curve, comparing them against each other or cultural standards. All sin separates us from Him. So, without a mediator, there is no hope for us.
Jesus is that mediator! The Bible tells us in John 3:16 that God loved you so much that he sent his son Jesus to pay the penalty for your sin, my sin. He took our place. The cross of Christ is our saving grace. It welcomes you as you are, with your hurts, pains, and shame. At the foot of the cross, you find a compassionate Savior, a new identity in Jesus, and rest for your weary spirit.
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30, NIV
In Jesus, you’ll find level ground and God’s open arms inviting you into the life your heart truly desires. So, will you receive or reject God’s invitation and outstretched hands today? The choice is yours. Your decision will be your life’s most important decision. It will plot the course for the rest of your journey on this earth and beyond (Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:10).
All we strive for on our own and all we hope to gain in our lifetime pales in comparison to knowing God and the life He has for us when we choose to walk with Him.
Will you choose to walk with God today?

Brian A. Hetzer is the founder and Executive Director of Seed2Life International, a nonprofit organization that equips ministries to transform lives. Over the years, his commitment to excellence has been evident in various capacities: church, ministry, the US Navy, environmental waste cleanup, farming cherries, small business owner, property manager, Fire Department Chaplain, hospice, and launching several church outreaches and nonprofits. The various roles gave him many life experiences from which to write. His book, The Doggy Bag Devotional, features some of these stories. He and his wife live in Phoenix, AZ, and you can reach him at [email protected].